Monday, February 22, 2010

This post is Boring!

Today dawned bright and cold, emphasis on the second descriptor.  When it came 'round time for my run, I decided indoors was a better place to be. For me there's a fine line between running around in the cold weather like an idiot bad ass wearing shorts and tank, and me saying Ooooh, dear, it's cold out there I'd rather stay in.  Oddly enough, that barrier hovers 32 degrees, which seems to be the temp that requires the addition of pants.  For me, running in pants (or tights, or capris, or anything below the knees) is just WEIRD.  And 30 is cold!

So I looked at the temp and just said, Not today! and headed off to the Rec Center to take my run indoors.  Round and round and round, 12 laps to the mile, and my outer leg was just feeling it for the first mile or so, then I tried to get hypnotized by the monotony.  This worked pretty well for the longest time, and I ran there more comfortable than I have in the past.  I think next time I might try alternating miles with the treadmill, or at least interspersed with the treadmill, for a little variety.

3 miles in 35 minutes, I've got some longer runs coming up this week.  This week I am really going to try to run my weekly milage goal, for once.  I've missed the mark every week since January!

In unrelated news, I've decided that the uniforms/outfits/getups of all of the Olympic athletes, and the USA in particular, are ugly as sin.  I always pick the wrong outfits on Project Runway, and dress the same way I did 20 years ago, so my opinion might not be the most educated, but seriously?

I did a 10 second search for an appropriate image, and all I found was plaid.  'Nuf said.


Lisa said...

Not boring at all.

When you run on the track change your direction every few laps to take the stress off the inside leg.

MJ said...

we're much better than the Norwegians....

Pam @ said...

If you run in shorts when it's in the 30s, you ARE a badass! I'm a miserable bitch in anything less than 50 degrees. And that's WITH cold gear. I hate the cold.

funderson said...

You ARE a badass...I couldn't do it...I just couldn't.
This IS the time of year every winter that I just start pining for shorts and t-shirts. You are SO lucky to be just an hour a way from dirt! We can usually escape to Moab area, but its about 4 hours away (not bad) and I think they got as much snow as we did this year...sigh...