Wednesday, November 24, 2010

On the road

It's been pretty quiet here on the blog front, but I've been busy in life. Never mind all that, today we have hit the road for our annual desert road trip. No plans except soaking in hot springs and traveling on. I've changed my plans from running the ultra in Ridgecrest to running a marathon in Death Valley, so will be off on that adventure december 5. Until then, long desert runs and hot desert springs.

No time for blogging now, but there are bound to be plenty of "moments" in the near future.

I'll try to keep it posted.


Pam @ said...

Those hot springs sound deeeeeeeee-vine!!!!!

I'll be thinking about ya on the 5th! Wish you were running Vegas with me instead!

Kathy said...

I agree with Pam!!!!

Windnsnow said...

Objects in mirror may appear closer than they really are...just ignore them this once.