Sunday, March 7, 2010

I held my shit together

Yes, I managed not to "lose it" in the Bidwell.

I actually awoke saturday morning feeling relatively good, and went on to run a 2:22 ... About 2 minutes off a PR.

I am VERY happy with this result. Full report to follow in the next couple of days.


Pam @ said...

Sweet!!!!! And you didn't leave anyone any surprises beside their mailbox on the side of the road or anything??? :)

Kelly said...

Yeah! Congrats! Can't wait to hear all about it!

MissBrightside said...

you're a bad pun intended! Glad to hear you made it!

ShutUpandRun said...

Nice work, glad you didn't lose it.

Marathonman101108 said...

No shit?! That's great!! Congrats.

Lisa said...

Very nice time. Congrats. Looking forward to your report.

funderson said...

NICE!!! Fast pants!

Formulaic said...

2:22! That has a nice ring to it!

Too bad it's a record that won't last. You'll be breaking down that one before you know it.

Can't wait for the RR.

ShirleyPerly said...

Just 2 minutes off your PR with what you were going through just before the race? Great job!!!