Friday, October 29, 2010

Tattoos!!! (very much NSFW)

Somehow, last night Tom and I hosted a little dinner party wherein I made a bit of soup and some lady friends came over for the express purpose of getting some henna tattoos. In honor of tomorrow's race, I elected to have my calves done. My friends? Went for other areas. I'm not sure exactly how to blog about this. Well, a picture is worth a thousand words. Be warned, there's tits and things ahead.

First up, A settles in for the "tramp stamp" ...

The process is pretty cool. The henna goes on really thick and black. You have to leave it in place for an hour or two to let it dry.

Apparently, if you eat only raw foods until dinnertime, you can have a figure like this. Personally I'd rather eat chocolate and jiggle. Nice tat, yes?

I'm up next.

I really like the designs she does on my calves!

Here's the finished product, after all the residue is scraped off, and some time has passed:

Moving on, my other friend (after checking with me) whips off her shirt and goes for the boob tat, shown here in a privacy-preserving illusionary mirror shot:

We have to wait an hour or two for the stuff to "set", so we settle in for some dinner.

As you can imagine, Tom (also good friends with these women, obviously) really suffered through this evening!


Windnsnow said...

Are you wearing Woolie Boolies?

funderson said...

Your calves are freaking awesome!

ShutUpandRun said...

Ok you've got to start inviting me to your soup parties.

Runners Fuel said...

I love Henna. I had it also done on my calves.

Pam @ said...

This is effing awesome!

Terri said...

You clearly have the best parties!!! Love the henna!

Thistledew Farm said...

Love the tat's - I think it would be so fun to do them before a race - way cool!